DOWNLOAD a copy of
No More Starving Artists

How To Master Your Art, Your Life & Build Your Business


*No More Starving Artist retails for $29.95, but I wanted to get this into the hands of more artists, so am offering this electronic download for a limited time. 
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What Is No More Starving Artists?

It is NOT a magic bullet to make your art wildly popular.
It is NOT a replacement for doing the work of running your business.
It is NOT about how to find someone else to make you successful.

- Julie-Anne Black

"This book will fundamentally transform the way you think, act and communicate about being a successful artist in business..."  

Get your electronic book. 
Download right now for $10 bucks!

No More Starving Artists is A SHORTCUT. 
This book will keep your business yours and save you from making mistakes and wasting time learning by trial and error. Inside you will learn how to grow your market and find the people who love you and your art... you will get more fans, more customers and have a sustainable viable arts business all built around your passion, your creativity and your talent. As an artist, learning business and marketing can feel like a foreign language. But trust me it's a lot easier to learn than you might think.

This digital download is only available here 

"Seriously, the content here if you follow it and apply it, it's worth 10's of thousands, 100's of thousands, millions of dollars depending how big you're dreaming..." 

- Natalie Ellis

"I found it really useful to learn all about time management! It is a very useful tool and I really benefited from it..." 

- Aaron Walker

Download my copy of 'No More Starving Artists' Now
I'm ready to get started. Get me my copy now!!!

Who Will This Book Benefit? 

  • Abstract Artists
  • Animators
  • Ceramicists
  • Conceptual Artists
  • Creatives 
  • Designers 
  • Digital Artists 
  • Eco-Artists 
  • Equine Painters
  • Fabric Designers
  • Fiber Artists
  • Found Object Artists
  • Glass Artists
  • Graphic Designers
  • Jewelry Designers
  • Illustrators
  • Landscape Painters
  • Mixed Media Artists
  • Mosaic Artists
  • Muralists
  • Musicians
  • Performing Artists

  • Photographers
  • Painters
  • Quilters
  • Sculptors
  • Storytellers
  • Visual Artists
  • Vocalists
  • Writers
  • How to make an awesome living doing what you love - your art!
  • A practical step by step guide with excercises to complete so you don't just learn and get inspired - you actually make giant leaps in progress too.
  • How to find the customers who LOVE and VALUE you and your art so that you build a client base of dream customers and get the recognition and sales you deserve.
  • How to smash through your limiting beliefs so you have the confidence to go after what you REALLY want and feel certain you are going to make it happen.
  • The proven way to create consistent income streams so you can let go of the worry and allow your creativity to flow.
  • Get clarity about what you really want so you can be focused and productive.
  • How to create a clear marketing message so that talking about what you do (online & offline!) becomes simple and effective.
  • Learn about the power of your artistic gifts and how you can create meaningful lasting change in the world.
  • Learn how to prioritse your time, so you feel organised and make consistant progress towards your goals.
  • Get the secrets of ‘Pull Marketing’ so customers approach YOU, rather than feeling like a sales person.
  • Learn how successful artists have packed out exhibitions, sold out shows and let their customers do the marketing for them.

Inside Of This Electronic Book, 
Here Are A Few Of The Things That You'll Learn...

Check Out What Others Are Already Saying About My Teaching... 

"I can directly attribute strategies learnt from John Paul to the circumstances that have seen me earn more in theatre in the last twelve months than I had in the last five years"

- Lucy Freeman
Freelance Director 
& Acting Teacher

"We could never have hoped to be working at the level we are ($1million turnover), and with such a range of industry partners, without the structure, support, knowledge and talent offered by John Paul Fischbach and The Auspicious Arts Incubator"

- Andrea Lemon
Kids Thrive

"I want to thank the Auspicious Arts Incubator for helping me gain the confidence and build my own business. Loving what I’m doing and getting back into my art with a strong purpose and direction."

- Vanessa White 
Visual & Interdisciplinary Artist

Download my copy of 'No More Starving Artists' Now
I'm ready to get started. Get me my copy now!!!

About the Author

John Paul is an author, producer, director, designer, educator, shaman and a highly sought-after arts business consultant.
He is a successful artist entrepreneur whose greatest strength is having lived the artist experience for over 30 years. Having thrived in the business and art of live theatre and special events he has a unique combination of artistic creativity, marketing know-how and business acumen.
He has a long history of producing and directing theatre, film, festivals, and site-specific events, from the 1984 Olympic Arts Festival in Los Angeles to the International Puppet Carnival in Melbourne. He has lived and worked in the U.S., Denmark, England, Bali, Canada and now Australia.
Co-Founding The Auspicious Arts Incubator in 2007, John Paul has travelled extensively helping independent artists, arts organisations, local and state governments, and venues make more money. Combined with being a practicing Shaman for the past 30 years, he has learned how to blend his spiritual practice with his creative expression into creating work that draws people in, heals, teaches and opens the doorway for audiences to make deeper connections.
He has recently returned from his North American book tour for his book ‘No More Starving Artists’.

Here Is What Artists Are Saying... 

"Thanks to JP and this book we are 2 Portland artists getting our shit together!"
"I started reading it last night. All I can say is Thank You! I've learnt so much already and looking forward to more"
"This is a life-line, a step-by-step friendly and accessible guide"
"“I thank you for your guidance & inspiration. You've really changed the way I look at my career." 
"For someone like me who really needs help on the business side of is invaluable to me."
"This single-handedly changed my view that my art can be a viable business." 

Here's What To Do Next

Just download your copy and get started learning, growing and changing your circumsatances for the better.
There Is No Catch!
I know there are some websites out there that offer you something cool like this for a cheap price, but then stick you into some program that charges your card every month.
It's my mission.
I believe that we (artists) are what the world needs.  We can put more love, more beauty and more understanding into the world if we get our art out there bigger and bolder to a wider audience.  
There is help for artists.
Business help for artists is rare.  Traditional courses and coaching for small business entrepreneurs doesn't work for artists.  Our brains are wired differently and our hearts are deeply connected to our businesses. I started the Auspicious Arts Incubator to help artists grow and develop arts businesses in the way we understand.  I had to learn how to translate all the business stuff into language that worked for me. I'm here to help you in the way that works for right-brained entrepreneurs with passion and talent.
My crazy guarantee
If you don't love it - send me an email and I'll refund your ten bucks.  So far over 1,000 artists have the book and lots of them write to say how much the book has helped them.
"I'm really enjoying the book. I'm only in the early chapters but already started putting together my 5 pillars on my whiteboard." Murray

"Thanks for writing such a useful book." Thomas

"Thanks JP, this is exactly what I need to learn." Carol

So download your Copy Now
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to giving you some real help!
Download my copy of 'No More Starving Artists' Now

John Paul

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I've just created a downloadable version of my new book No More Starving Artists... so that more artists can get help developing and growing a business from your passion and your talent.

There's not catch... no gimmicks... just ten bucks $10 to get your copy.

In fact, if you don't love it - send me an email and I'll refund your ten bucks.

So, Click the button above to download your copy now. You won't regret it.
Download my copy of 'No More Starving Artists' Now
I'm ready to get started. Get me my copy now!!!

"The World Needs More Successful And Sane Artists"  
- Amanda Palmer 

Author of the Foreward for No More Starving Artists

"Hi There,
Just to let you know I started reading No More Starving Artist last night.
All I can say so far is Thank you! I’ve finished 2 paintings today that I was procrastinating about. Not usually an issue for me but they are done.

I’ve learnt so much already and looking forward to reading more. Time management and fear of jumping in at the deep end are my biggest issues atm. Working full-time in an industry not related to my artwork purely to survive!
I feel after what I have read so far that perhaps the leap into painting fulltime wont be that far away!

Thanks again
Kerry Mattson"